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PCE Safety Report

For companies, Shooting Clubs, Fishing and/or Farming Shops that intend to sell products controlled by the Army, such as weapons, ammunition, inputs, among others.


Army Controlled Products

Assembly of PCE SAFETY Plan - PRODUCTS CONTROLLED BY THE ARMY with the following items:

*Risk analysis of PCE-related activities;

*Personnel access control measures to sites and systems;

*Active and passive measures to protect property, people and knowledge related to activities with PCE;

*Preventive measures against PCE thefts and thefts during travel and parking, in the case of PCE traffic;

*Contingency measures, in the event of accidents or the detection of illicit practices with PCE, including informing PCE inspection;

* Forecast of qualification and training of the staff for the execution of the security plan Manager and persons responsible for the PCE;

* Forecast of qualification and training of the personnel for the execution of the security plan;

*Security procedures for telephony use.

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